Music Ministries
Thank you all for your gifts of time and talent. Your musicianship, your united ensemble singing and your expressive interpretation of the anthems make choir a welcome addition to our church services. May our music this year be especially blessed –and each of you, also! -Nancy

Faith Choir
Before church on the Sundays we sing, we will meet to rehearse from 8:55 a.m.-9:22 a.m. We’ll sing the anthem of the day first, then the next two songs on the list, and then re-sing the day’s anthem before we go in for worship.
Sunday Evening Rehearsals are from 5 p.m.-6 p.m. most Sundays except when we rehearse for cantata.

Contemporary Worship
Once a month, our worship gets a fun, modern lift with contemporary music that energizes the congregation and deepens our connection to faith. Featuring a blend of upbeat, soulful melodies and inspiring lyrics, this special service invites everyone to celebrate in a joyful, engaging way that speaks to all ages.

Lenten Cantata
Isle Community Lenten Cantata was a beautiful collaboration of seven churches in the area and various community members joining together to celebrate their love of Jesus and the gift of His Resurrection.
Preparing for Cantata, rehearsals are between February through April on Sunday evening rehearsals from 5-6pm. The Cantata is performed on Good Friday.