Youth Ministries 2024
We not only have a wonderful youth group that get together every Wednesday, but they have a heart for service and a drive to contribute to God's work across the country.
Through fundraising and the generous giving in our community the youth group raise the money to be able to grow in Christ and serve others on their mission trips.
Thank you to everyone that has supported your youth and their fundraisers!
2023 Youth Mission Trip to Niagara Falls
In 2023, the youth group traveled to Niagara Falls. Their week of work with Community Missions and the Center City Housing Authority had a big of an impact on our kids as it did on the Niagara Falls community.

Stories from our youth

Livia R. reflection on the 2023 trip
mission trip 2023 (buckle up for this one)
before the trip i was telling myself that i was only exited for the trip because we were going to wisconsin dells. once we pulled into Niagara Falls, NY i was thinking “dang, this place is sketchy” all of us in the van were talking like “we are about to get shot up” and “are you sure we are going to make it thought the week?” once we seen that we were sleeping in an old school all the things out of our mouth were “no way we are staying here,” “can we leave now,” “no way we are making it though the week.” well, we made it. the first morning we connected with our work group, from ohio, and went to our work place for the week, Community missions.
community missions is an old motel that they converted to house people that are fresh out of jail, struggle/struggled with drug use, or just homeless. we started the first two days by cooking and serving in the kitchen and starting to get to know the residents. the last 2 days we had an outdoor barbecue. every day we got closer and closer with the workers and staff at community missions. day 4 was a hard one…leaving the residents and the staff that we got the privilege to work for had everyone in the van balling our eyes out, except for elliot.
being here taught me to never ever judge people for what they have and never assume anything based on what someone looks like, everyone has a story. it’s not about what people have, but how they treat others. all i felt at community missions was love, kindness, and thankfulness.
And now for the hardest part. the relationships and goodbyes, i don’t even know where to start. for the people i already knew, getting so much closer to them was such a blessing. after the last night at niagara falls all my relationships with everyone here changed. crying in everyones arms is something that will change my bond with these people forever. trying to explain the “crying in everyone’s arms” is going to be to hard but let me tell you, only 1 person didn’t cry and that was Lucas.
the new relationships i’ve made are going to change my life forever. when we first got here i was like “these people are nothing like last year” but by the end of the week all these people feel like family. the best part about these trips is meeting new people and hearing about everyone’s stories. one person in particular has changed my perspective on life. 6 other, completely new people, have taught me how much you can change relationships in such a short amount of time. they taught me that you can love anybody even tho you’ve only known them for a week. thank you to everyone on the trip for making this experience so life changing.