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Isle Area Community Cantata: UPDATED

“Here Is Love”

PROLOGUE: Here Is Love

PROCESSIONAL:  We Will Glorify

PREPARATION:  Jesus Walked This Lonesome Valley

Mark Wetzler - Soloist

THE UPPER ROOM:  Fairest Lord Jesus  

/You Are My All in All


THE TRIALS:  Man of Sorrows

THE CROSS:  When I Survey

/Wonderful Cross

RESPONSE: I Will Sing of My Redeemer

/Here Is Love

Debra Wetzler - Soloist

RESURRECTION:  In Christ Alone


Thank you for coming. May God’s love cascade through your life in sparkling joy.

Please stay for refreshments & fellowship.


Jeannine Bruesewitz

Joy Grant

Barb Johnson

Carol Kuelbs

Nancy Miller

Rose Marie Nutt

ShadiAnn Schultz

Bev Severson

Sue Temte

Cheryl Ten Bruin

Barb Walters

Debra Wetzler


Joanne Anderson

Craig Magnan

Keith Schultz

Nick Skogen


Sue Borgfelt

Karen Gabriel

Diane Gibas

Sue Lyback 

Barb Magnan

Elaine Norman

Carolyn Nutt

Nancy Rizer-Schmidt

Karen Tramm


David Anderson

James Berry 

Rick Gabriel

Jeff Skogen

Mike Temte 

Mark Wetzler


Director Nancy Hendry

Piano Accompanist Shari Jensen

Tech Director David Anderson 

Tech Crew Dale Karels, Josh Blair, Blake Karels

Danie Powell, Craig Magnan, James Muske

Slides Jeannine Bruesewitz & Danie Powell

Set Design & Construction Nancy Miller

Set Crew Dick & Sandy Pullen, David Miller 

Kristi Pedersen, Dani Powell, Faith Choir & Cantata Choir 

Text Editor & Coach Rick Gabriel

Publicity Team Danie Powell, Nick Skogen, Diane Gibas, Members

Refreshments Faith Connect Committee


  • Our Singers, Narrators & Crew for their talent, dedication, & time.  They are an absolutely amazing group. 

  • Shari Jensen for her fabulous piano playing. She is a blessing.

  • Nancy Miller for her imagination and sense of fun in creating our “water” sets. 

  • Jeannine Bruesewitz for finding and sequencing the beautiful water photos to enhance our program. And to Danie Powell & David Anderson for getting them on the screens. 

  • Our Sound & Tech Crew for their skill and many hours of work, especially to David Anderson who gives hours to planning and executing the technology.

  • Faith Connect Team who brought treats for rehearsals and provided tonight’s refreshments.  

  • Ogilvie High School, Isle School, and Geneva & Sarah Eschweiler, staging & set pieces.

  • Cantata members for setting up and taking down the chairs and staging.

  • Lakeland Printers, Nick Skogen for posters.

  • Danie Powell and Mille Lacs Messenger for the excellent article.

  • A hearty thanks to Thrivent Financial for “Action Team” funds.

Annual Lenten Cantata in Isle Unites Community Through Music and Faith

By Danie Powell 

The Cantata tradition in Isle, Minnesota, has been a cherished event for several years, drawing together individuals from various denominations to celebrate the Lenten season through music and reflection. In an exclusive interview with Nancy Hendry, the director of the Cantata, she shed light on the significance and impact of this annual event.

"This is our 7th Lenten cantata," Hendry shares. "We started in 2016 but took 2 years off due to COVID."

But what exactly is a Cantata? "A cantata is a longer form of music that includes soloists, choral singers, and narrators," explains Hendry. "In Christian churches today, they are often specific to Easter, Christmas, or Biblical topics, blending familiar hymns and songs with specially composed music."

Participation in the Cantata transcends denominational boundaries. "Participation changes from year to year, but we've had members from various churches including Lutherans, Baptists, Presbyterians, Evangelical Free, Catholics, and Assemblies of God," notes Hendry, highlighting the ecumenical nature of the event.

But the Cantata is more than just a musical performance; it serves as a unifying force within the community. "It provides a chance to share the similarities of our beliefs through music and speech," says Hendry. "Participants find this draws them into a deeper reflection and participation in their Lenten walk." Participants for this year's Cantata are members from Bethesda of Malmo, Faith Lutheran, Holden Lutheran, Isle Baptist and other community members. 

The collaboration behind the Cantata is extensive, involving numerous volunteers and contributors. "It takes many people doing many tasks to put this program together," Hendry emphasizes, acknowledging the collective effort required to stage such an event.

For those who have never attended, Hendry offers a glimpse into what they can expect: "This particular cantata, 'Here Is Love' by Larry Shackley, dwells on the events leading up to Christ's crucifixion, death, and resurrection. It highlights the wonder of God's great loving plan of redemption."

The event is scheduled to take place at Faith Lutheran Church in Isle, MN, on Friday, March 29th, at 7:30 pm.

In the words of Jeannine Bruesewitz, a participant in previous Cantatas, "Come to the concert on Good Friday. The music and words set the stage for what happens at Easter. 'Here is Jesus' is a beautiful cantata. If you love to sing, join us next year."

The Cantata not only enriches the spiritual journey of its participants but also extends its impact to the wider community, with proceeds benefiting the Isle Area Food Shelf.

As the Lenten season approaches, the Cantata stands as a beacon of unity, faith, and reflection for the Isle community and beyond.


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