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March 2023 Prayer Ministries

Dear Heavenly Father, during this season of lent, quiet our minds as we look inward to find our weaknesses, our struggles, and our disappointments. Then let us see that even during those times, you were there with us, giving us the strength and courage to rise up regardless of our circumstances. As you continue to be present in our lives, let your Spirit shine within us, letting others know you came to replace the pain and suffering in this world with hope and peace.

  • We lift up the millions of people who are wandering on his earth in search of safety, stability, work and basic human needs due to war, poverty, famine, earthquakes, flooding, fires and other natural disasters. May these people find compassion and support from Christians around the world and come to know the power of the cross.

  • Bless the work of all who plan to participate in packaging food for “Feed my Starving Children” on April 1. May they realize the impact they have on bringing hope to thousands of people in the world.

  • Continue to bless the hands of the quilters and prayer shawl makers for the many quilts and shawls they have made and given away. Their work is a blessing onto others.

  • We hold in our prayers those who do not have adequate medical insurance and those who do not have access to adequate medical care. We thank you for all who give of their time to care for the elderly, the sick, and the homeless. Sustain health care workers, caregivers, first responders, counselors, and all who help and heal.

  • We lift up those on our prayer network as well as others who we know are in need of our prayers. Make your comforting presence known to them. Comfort the grieving and surround them with your love. Grant peace and comfort to all who are home bound and unable to maneuver in this wintery weather.

  • Help us to be more like you and to accept others as you created them. Give us the wisdom to do the right thing in all situations. We are your family and you have asked us to care for one another so we pray for every member of our congregation so they might know your love for them. Each week this month we pray for the following... •Week of March 5 – Rick Jobe and Virginia Freese; Brad, Melissa, Noah, and Caleb Johnson; Donna Johnson. •Week of March 12 – Shaun, Katie, Graham, Dawson, and Gwendolyn Joy; Bryan and Diana Karels; Dale Karels. •Week of March 19 – Derek, Lacy, Lucas, and Blake Karels; Roland (Butch) and Leslie Karg; Randi Kautz; Joyce Kloncz. •Week of March 26 – Frank and Barb Kriz; Tom and Carol Kuelbs; Alex, Blair, Louise, and Letty Larson; Bob and Denise Larson.

  • We lift up the growing number of families living in poverty and having to make difficult decisions be- tween housing and food; heating and eating; medicine or nutrition. Ease their decisions by opening the eyes and hearts of people to see disparity exists. Move us to do what we can to help others and make us advocates for a stable source of food for all families and households.

  • Be with our children who are taking 1st communion classes. Help them to understand your presence and the importance of participating in this important sacrament.

  • Continue to bless all who are involved in the Cantata. May their voices sing your praises and tell the story of your redeeming love.

Throughout this Lenten season, may we be nourished by your word, be devoted to you with all our heart and to have our prayers unite us. Amen.


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