Women of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (WELCA)
The WELCA officers are:
President Marlene Moss Vice President Donna Pinz
Secretary Dorothy Haggberg
Treasurer Dee Berg
Women of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (WELCA)
Newsletter for May 2023
We are still working on a schedule for meetings so that more women can attend. We are having a meeting on Wednesday, May 17, 2023, at 11:30 a.m. at the church. Hope many of you can participate.
During the year, WELCA has made donations to the Synod WELCA, Seafarers Ministry, and funeral memo- rials for members. Quilters continued to make quilts for Lutheran World Relief and the graduates of 2023. We give a huge thank you to Donna for the beautiful quilt she made for auction at the Synod As- sembly April 28-30, 2023.
Three of our ladies attended the Heartland Conference Spring Gathering at First Lutheran in Aitkin, MN on Saturday, March 25, 2023. Almost 100 women were in attendance for an all-inclusive day of fellow- ship, business, and worship. Our speaker was Georgia Larson who spoke on “Becoming who God created you to be”.
The Altar Care is overseen by Dee Berg and Nancy Rizer-Schmidt and their work is greatly appreciated. They welcome volunteers when extra help is needed for this means of serving. All women are members of WELCA and we would like your fellowship and ideas to be a part of future decisions for Faith. We are serving funerals and special events as needed and our group leaders are always trying to keep the list of women current so that you all have an opportunity to serve. Again, we wish to thank all of you in WELCA and as members of Faith for the help and food provided for serving funerals, supplies donated for school kits, quilting supplies donated, and the prayers for all of our endeavors. Thank you.
God Bless our church women.
Marlene Moss, President of WELCA
All women are invited to join Faith’s WELCA meeting on Wednesday, May 17, 2023, at 11:30 a.m.