Lent at Faith
From the invitation to the Lenten Service after Ash Wednesday to Holy Week and the celebration of Christ rising from the dead on Easter, we invite you to attend and experience Lent with us.
Ash Wednesday is Wednesday, February 14th and Easter is Sunday, March 31st.
Lenten Services
We will also start having short weekly Lenten Service on Wednesday nights at 7 pm.
There will be dinner served for anyone who wishes to attend starting at 6 pm.
Lenten Bible Study / At Home Study
We will have The Chosen Bible Study every Monday during Lent at 5:30pm. We will watch one episode per week and discuss. Hosted by Pastor Josh. Want to catchup and watch Season 1: WATCH HERE.
Mondays: February 19th - March 18th
No Study the Monday of Holy Week and Not on Easter Monday
Restart April 8th, Last Day April 15th
Learn more about the Holy Land and where Jesus taught, walked and died with the ELCA's “Following the Way of Jesus: a Lenten Holy Land Journey” begins on the Sea of Galilee. The introduction week will invite you into this 6-week series. Through this journey you will explore the Holy Land, the theology of Sumud and what it means for Palestinian Christians today. Watch INTRO here.
Easter Services
We will host two services on Easter Sundays.
At 8am we will have a traditional service followed by breakfast and an egg hunt (around 9am).
At 10am there will be a contemporary service. All welcome to join!