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December 2022 Prayer Ministry

Dear Heavenly Father, In our busy preparations at this time of the year, keep us always focused on the real reason we celebrate Christmas. Especially during this season of Advent, you have given us time to reflect on the importance of your love to all people, to know you are giving us hope for the future, a reason to celebrate peace among your people and to accept the joy that only comes through your son, Jesus. How can we not thank you for this holy season of prayer, of song and laughter...and especially for the shining star and an infant’s cry.

  • Give us a voice that can be heard, hands that can work together for the good of all people, and a heart filled with love and support for one another.

  • Draw near to those living with fear or anxiety, grief or illness. Help us hear their cries and show us ways that we can reach out to help them. We lift up all who are on our prayer network. May you surround them with your love, comfort them, and grant healing to their bodies.

  • We thank you for the people in our congregation who give of their time by serving you through their gifts and talents. Encourage us all to use our giftedness in ways that will serve others and bring glory to your name. We especially lift in prayer the following each week.

  • The week of December 4 – Joshua, Karleigh, Keighan, Eisaac, Bristol, and Easton Cady; Michael, Marjorie, Claire, and Max Christensen.

  • The week of December 11 – Ross and Leta Christensen; Kristin, Madison, and Ashlyn Cooper; Judy Crace; Ben, Mindy, Alex and Addi DeCoursey.

  • The week of December 18 – Blake, Ashlei, and Rayland Eklund; Clayton and Tonja Eklund; Nick, Breanna, Addisyn, and Amelia Eklund.

  • The week of December 25 – Glenn and Nancy Erickson; Janelle and Asa Erickson; Harley and Tama Exsted; Harvey and Marilyn Exsted.

  • Bring laughter and fun into the lives of our children. Be with them as they gather for various youth events and as they share your message of “good news” this advent season.

  • Be with all who are involved in our Advent festival. May it be a time of joy and celebration for everyone who attends.

  • Fill our church with families and friends as we all come together for our Christmas Eve and Day services. Let our voices sing your praise as we celebrate the birth of your son, Jesus.

  • Be with all who will be traveling and away from home over Christmas and the New Year. Bless all families as they gather together. Mend any brokenness within family circles and grant healing and wholeness to lives that have been hurt. Be with those unable to travel, those who can not be with family, and those who are alone and without family. May they, too, feel your presence in their lives.

  • Bring our college students safely home over their semester break. Give them a time of rest and relaxation before they return to their studies.

  • Help us to see how blessed we are to have the necessities of life. Open our hearts to reach out the people who are hunger and homeless. May we all be a living witness of your love to all people.

  • Deepen our faith and give us strength to follow wherever you lead us.

Make us faithful to your Word, so we may bring your life to this waiting world. AMEN

“At this Christmas when Christ comes, will He find a warm heart? Mark the season of Advent by loving and serving others with God’s own love and concern.” — Mother Teresa


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