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February Prayer Ministries

Spice up your Prayer Life…


Prayer Journaling 


How many times have you fallen asleep while praying. How many times have you been distracted…or had your attention drift off to other thoughts. Then there may be those times when you have forgotten to pray for someone you said you would pray for…or you forgot what you were to pray for when you finally found the time to pray. Maybe someone said something encouraging to you and it meant so much at the time, and then days later you couldn’t remember what they said. Well, you are not alone. One or all of the above has probably happened to all of us.


This month we want to help you stay focused, consistent, and more effective with your prayers through the use of a prayer journal. Whether you find praying difficult or you are a praying person, a prayer journal can help you deepen your prayer life and your relationship with God. You can draw pictures to express your thoughts. You can record Bible verses, personal thoughts or even include pictures that have had an impact on your life.   It is a place where you can ask for help. It is a place where you can say what’s really on your heart and mind.  In a prayer journal you can record your conversations with God and also how God’s presence has had an impact on your life and in the lives of the people you are praying for. 


To begin prayer journaling, you will need something to write with and something to write on. We have for you a small journal…and, we’re sure you have something to write with. So, for the month of February, each day we would like you to try prayer journaling. In the beginning, keep it simple. Maybe you just record the prayers that come to you from the church…or prayers for people you know. Then add some of your thoughts and feelings on issues or things happening. Maybe add a Bible verse that spoke to you…or note something you read or heard that may have disturbed you or even lifted your heart. Once you start, you may find so many things to add, that you will quickly fill the pages in your small journal and want to invest in a larger one. 


We Pray for:

Ash Wednesday Service, Wed, February 14

Lenten suppers and service, Wednesdays, February 21, 28, March 6, 13, 20

Lenten Bible Study, Mondays

WOW Bible Study, February 12

Cantata Rehearsal, begins February 18

Heartland Spring Conference, February 25


FIA - Wednesday @ 5:30 p.m.

Confirmation - Wednesday @ 6:30 p.m.

Youth Group - Wednesday @ 7:30 p.m.


60 for 60 - 60 Blankets

Ongoing youth fundraisers


9:30 Worship

Sunday Coffee Fellowship

Sunday School

Church Council

Building & Property

Youth, Family, Children, & Education Ministry 

Connect Ministry Team

Faith in Action

Finance/Human Resources

Local & Global Missions

Praise Team

Prayer Ministry Team

Prayer Shawl


Stewardship Ministry Team


Worship & Music Ministry Team

Youth Group


“Common Prayer Time”

Every Wednesday-pray from home or at Church


“Pray with your directory” 

Lift up individuals/families in the 

church directory each time you pray. 


“Personal Prayer”

Need of personal prayer: Seek prayer during  communion on Sunday’s or contact any prayer  team member who will pray with you. 




Dear God, thank you for teaching me how to pray for my family, my friends and even people I do not know. And,  it is ok to ask for your help whenever I feel hurt, and sad, and lonely. I know you will always hear me when I want to talk to you.   AMEN  



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